About Us
「PORN TOKYO」is like this site!
How are you doing guys?
I am Kei, a Japanese. I’m an administrator of this site. I watch over 1,000 porn videos per year.
I’m sure that you guys watch porn videos by X○Viseo or por○nhub. After all, the popularity of Japanese porn videos is amazing!
Have you wondered what name of the porn star is or what kind of work the porn star is in watching Japanese porn videos?
I often see comments like “her name?”, but some of you guys may give up because you can’t find the same porn star in related videos.
I made this site for those who are looking for fappable videos or interested in the porn stars themselves!
・I want to know recommended Japanese porn videos.
・I want to know the name and Wiki of the porn star you are interested in watching the porn videos.
・I want to know the latest seasonal porn video information in Japan.
If any of the above apply to you, I’m sure that “PORN TOKYO” is the most useful site in Japan for you!